Monday, June 6, 2011

It’s All Gonna Be Ok – Pt. 2 Crossing the Jordan

Kitchen remodels demand alot of time and I am finally finding the time to finish this draft and post it. I originaly drafted it in April and alot has happened since then, but I will fill you in on that in a different post.
God never fails to surprise me in unexpected ways. We came home from the conference on Saturday not knowing what to expect. I knew the house was going to be a mess since we were under construction but I did not expect the wall removal to make that much if a difference. The lyrics to one of the song we sang on Friday night went like this, “Aint no party like a Holy Ghost party cause a Holy Ghost party don’t stop”. We were still at the party even though we were home.  Of course neither one of us could stop talking about how God moved throughout the weekend but we also noticed  the bare walls with exposed wood and decided that it needed filled with scripture. We fervently began diving into God’s word and writing the scriptures that stuck out to us on the wood; even Rebecca and Elizabeth looked up scripture and wrote them on the walls. It brings meaning to the verse in Deut. 6:9 “write them on the doorframes of your house”. One of the verses I found was Joshua 3:5; the Israelites were camped out on the Jordan ready to cross into the promise land when Joshua told the people “consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” It was getting late and the little ones wanted time with me so we had to stop but we still had blank space on the wood so I continued to look up scripture as I sat with the girls as they watched tv.  As I was reading God’s word I kept coming back to the story of the Israelites crossing the Jordan and I realized that God is indeed preparing us. Just as He prepared and tested His people in the desert for 40 years, He has done the same with us; just not in such a drastic way. We had been in a spiritual desert, saying we trusted in Him yet leaning on our own understanding. The wall was our “Jordan” and we were crossing into the promise land.