Monday, February 6, 2012


God began His work in our marriage and in our lives years ago and He always finishes what He begins. This has been a long journey so far and even though we are far from finished we are so much closer to what He has for us. The last couple of weeks have been filled with change. Jason is officially done with the military, well at least on terminal leave. We are now walking in faith that God will provide the job that He desires Jason to have, and Jason spends his days putting in resumes. We recently  got the chance to finally go to the Omaha HUB and God did not disappoint us. It was rejuvenating to see God reveal Himself and His power. And God is continuing to give us wisdom. This is just a few of the things He has been showing us lately.
In Matthew 19 Jesus was asked by some Pharisees about divorce, His answer... Matthew 19:4-6 " the beginning the Creator made them male and female and said for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not seperate." Jesus went on to answer them with this in verse 8 "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning." and in verse 11" Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given." 
Perhaps it is better explained in the devotional we have been reading  called "Come Away My beloved" by Frances J. Forbes. It is written as if God, Himself were speaking to you.
" I want you with Me. Because I love you. Where do you expect to see a queen? Beside the king. I have not spoken of you as such, but ye are My Bride. A queen is subordinate to a king, and he reigns while she stands by. No, ours is a closer relationship, for I have vested you with authority also. Ye reign with Me if it be so that ye recognize your privilege...
For I would have a people who live in ME continually, and not that ye be moving in and out of this place. I would have ye live continually in the center of the kingdom of God, just as I have place the Kingdom within the very center of your being."
How much more can we, as a married couple, be used by God when we come together in His Name (Matthew 18:24)? He is in our midst, He moves in us and through us.There is Power of the Holy Spirit when 2 people with softened hearts come together as one. For years Jason's heart and my heart was hard, but as God softens us the closer we grow together. The closer we grow together, and the closer we grow with God, the more the Power is unleashed to work through us to strengthen His Kingdom within a lost world.