Friday, July 18, 2014

A Seed To The Ministry

God is orchestrating some amazing things in the symphony of our lives.  He has given us so many promises over the years and He has never failed to accomplish them. 

The past year and a half he placed within me a heart for those in captivity. Something else He placed in me a long time ago was a determination to seek justice, so when I find out about an injustice I can't just let it sit. I have to do something. I used to think it was me playing the part of the hero, but now I realize that God placed that there to be His hands and feet to the captives. 

I have been learning a lot lately about human trafficking and that it is a problem in our own backyard. I also see the gaps in helping the victims. A few months ago God gave me a vision for a restoration house, a place where, not only can victims escape the life of captivity, but they can begin to restore their lives. 

At the same time God put those things in my heart, Jason's job situation began to falter. God also gave us a promise to move the mountain of debt. We have tried to be very good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, but we were not always that faithful and we are still paying for those years of unfaithfulness. Because of that we have this mountain of debt that we thought was holding us back from the things we felt God calling us to. 

It’s only human when things begin to shake in our lives and we begin to doubt and lack faith, but it’s through maturity in Christ that we can stand firm on the rock and not let the shaking destroy us. When we have a firm foundation in the rock of our Lord Jesus, no waves can wash us away. In the natural, Jason and I see this overwhelming mountain and not enough income to tackle it. We see what God is calling us to and feel chained, unable to reach out and grab hold of the mission He has for us. But God is faithful and we are standing on the rock. 

Jason, just recently, lost the sales job that he had and again is unemployed. Most people would begin to worry and look for another job, but our faith does not lie in the work of Jason's hands. It lies in the provision of our Heavenly Daddy. We have had several earthly doors shut to us in this past year, and we believe it is because God is calling us to walk through His door to a greater purpose which leads to our ministry. Jason is returning to school this fall and I will begin in the winter term. As God calls us into this greater purpose, and we step out in obedience, we are putting our trust in Him to be our provider, Jason's retirement covers the bills but we have a mountain of debt and tuition for Becca that we are trusting God to provide for. 

Since making that decision and stepping in obedience, He hasn't disappointed us. We have had extra money come in from various sources, a couple of which were led by the Spirit to give. It is very humbling when you are handed a check for no reason, but I am so grateful for God's provision. Months ago I would have felt shame if that would have happened, but now I accept it with all thankfulness because I know it is our Daddy taking care of us. As we use what He is providing to tackle our mountain we are also dividing it and setting aside a seed to begin our ministry. We are beginning to put together the vision for His Covering Ministries and pull together our prayer partners. In the next few months we will be putting together a website and gathering other warriors to meet once a month to pray for victims of human trafficking and the organizations that are already on the front lines. As we begin to provide a prayer covering, we will also be educating and raising awareness to this injustice. As Jason begins school this fall, I will begin to partner with other organizations to begin reaching out to the victims. Exciting things are yet to come and I wait anxiously to see the captives set free, and the years the locusts have eaten restored to the victims of human trafficking.