Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A New Journey Begins

I am on the cusp of a breakthrough when it comes to my writer’s block. I feel God telling me to write. But where and what about? 

Years ago, I started this blog and I never really pushed for readers or an audience. I thought that God would get it to those who needed to see it. I'm currently reading a book by Jen Trindale, and she writes about destiny, and how it is something me need to fight for and protect. We have an enemy whose purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. His main target is our destiny and our purpose. If he can derail us from what God planned for us, it slows down the advancement of the Kingdom. Several times over the past few years, as I struggled with writer’s block, I looked back at some of my past blogs, and I see how relevant today than they were back then. When I was writing them, many of them were directed at the church, and I felt as if I were being judgmental at the time. I would ask myself, “who am I to judge”. Much of what I wrote was written out of personal conviction as well as observation and what I was witnessing in the church. Reading some of my post in view of today, I can’t help but look at them as a warning. If the church would have seen the things I wrote about then, would things be different now? There is a great awakening occurring. For me I was awake a long time ago and I think it was because of the journey God took me on during those early years of writing my blog.

My pen has been silent for the past few years. I would try to write but nothing would come. Now I feel it releasing and God has more to say through the pen in my hand. It may mean that we revisit what He inspired in the past, only with new eyes, or He will take us on a whole new journey.

Who wants to join me on this journey?