Tuesday, December 27, 2022

2023 The Year of Freedom

In 2016 I wrote about “Doors”. It was a season of change where God had closed doors that I didn’t think He would close and doors I didn’t want to be closed. Four years later, in 2020 many people experienced the closing of doors. In 2016 I talked about the light shifting to illuminate different directions as doors opened and closed. The last couple of years have been filled with closing doors and shifting lights. It’s not always God who closes a door and some of the doors that closed have been doors of oppression. We have an enemy that wants to kill, steal, and destroy, and the last few years he has done just that. Many of us have felt and are still feeling the oppression of those doors.

I wrote about how God will use our time in the hallway, regardless of who put us there, to prepare us for the next open door. I fully believe there have been battles in the heavens over the doors that are about to open for God’s people. As many of us have been waiting, Holy Spirit has revealed windows, illuminating things we were meant to see. Some of those things we may have knew and just needed reminded of; other things we needed to see before stepping through the next door.

As we get ready to step into a new year I have been praying for a word for the year. I don’t do resolutions, but I do seek one word from God that defines the year to come. Some of the words I have been given in the past are “restore”, “faith”, “purge”, and “stand”. This year for 2023, it’s “freedom”. As we have endured the oppression in the hallway, God has been preparing us for the “freedom” that the next door is going to bring. I believe there are things behind that door that we cannot even imagine. We are going to see personal freedoms and corporate freedoms released.

There will be freedom for our relationships: friends, spouses, children, extended family, etc. Freedom for our finances: God desires for us to live an abundant, prosperous life.

 Freedom for our ambitions: new goals will be released, new directions, new purposes, and new dreams.

Freedom with our health. New revelations are coming regarding health. With a glorified church comes healing and miracles.

Freedom for energy. As governments oppress energy sources, God has other plans. His people will not have to worry about hot or cold weather.

 Freedom for our faith; we are about to witness things from God that this world has not yet seen. God will have His glorified church and we will see His church do even greater things than Jesus did.

As we walk into the next year God is going to begin opening the doors He has been preparing us to walk through. Some may challenge us to step into an unknown but do so with boldness. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Other doors, may be doors of restoration, where He desires to restore what the enemy has tried to steal. Be careful to not put your expectations of the restoration in a box. When God restores, He doesn’t just return it to what it once was; He improves it and makes it better.