Monday, September 27, 2010

Early Years

I guess you could say that our story truly began when I was a little girl. All I ever dreamed of being was a wife and mommy. Most little girls when asked what they wanted to be when they grew up had a definite answer but I would just say, "I don't know.", because I didn't want to just say a wife and a mommy.
I met Jason in between my Junior and senior year and it wasn't long after we started dating that we just knew we were going to be married. There really wasn't a proposal except Jason asking me ,"If I stick around till you graduate would you follow me anywhere?" It wasn't long after that and we were planning our wedding for after I graduated.
September 15, 1990 just a few months after graduating high school we were married in an apple orchard by my parents house. Now our faith at that time was non-existent. We lived together before we got married and we didn't want any part of God.
In January, Jason joined the airforce and my first move was to Chanute, Il where he was attending tech school. After that we were stationed at Offutt Afb in Bellevue, NE. For this small town, naive girl, it was a culture shock. I depended on Jason for eveything and was loving him taking care of me. In 1994 we were blessed with our first daughter,Trinity, yet again another lifestyle shock. It was a rough first year with Jason working 12 hour shifts and me with undiagnosed postpartum depression. That was only the beginning of our downward spiral. From the outside we looked like a very happy family and we even thought we were a happy family but things were festering.
In 1996 we had our second daughter and Jason's job in the air force changed; taking him away from the family. Again I was suffering from undiagnosed post-partum depression, only this time I had an almost 3 year old and my husband was gone most of the time. Still our faith at this time was non-existent and I felt abandoned and alone. By the time Olivia was 2 we were near divorce and in a desperate attempt to save our family Jason volunteered for orders to Texas were he would be teaching and with his family for four years.
-to be continued

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I decided that blogging was the best way to keep all of my friends and family up to date on what is happening in our life right now. I am new to this so please bare with me.
Wednesday Sept 22, 2010 life as I knew it would be turned upside down. This blog is going to be a record of our journey and what God is doing. HE is so much bigger than any of us and his promises hold true. A few years ago He gave me the promise that HE would "restore the years the locust have eaten" Joel 2:25 NKJ. To those of you who do not know our story you will soon understand why God gave me that promise. This is just the beginning of the journey that God is taking us on. For you to understand this journey I must first take you back in time. 
-to be continued...