Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Robs You of Your Time?

I started a new Bible Study last Friday, Created to be His Help Meet and one of our first assignments was to think of ways I could be a better helper to my husband. That's not an easy task since he is out of town yet again with the military. Yet there is something I can do to be a better help meet.
About a month ago I had done my devotion and as usually proceeded  to log onto facebook; before I knew it 2 hours had went by (come on admit it you’ve done it too). I logged off and looked around at the things that I had neglected. Now I’m not saying I don’t do anything and that I spend all day on the computer but I have realized, this month, the time that it steals away from me. I work out of the house so I create my own schedule so it is easy to say, “I’m just going to get on and check my messages or play one game.” Then before we know it 2 hours have gone by and laundry could have been finished or the living room vacuumed.  Now I have to scramble to try to get things done, that if I wouldn’t have been chatting with my friends, I could have gotten done. Facebook is not a bad thing. I keep in touch with my family better, and my friends far away.
Many of us have become addicted. We must get our fix before the day begins or before we close our eyes at night. Lord, forgive us of our idol worship. God gives us a commandment and a promise in Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” He even says in Proverbs 10:4 “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.” I am not saying I am a lazy person in general. I work very hard but when I log into my computer a spirit of laziness comes on me.
I began paying attention to what happens when I spend so much time on the computer and realized the extra work I create for myself and for my husband. I also am aware of the things that I have neglected with my kids. Poor Rebecca does not even have any pictures in my albums because I say I don’t have time. Or I tell them I’m too busy to play with them because I have to clean. Would I have gotten those things done had I not been on facebook? What could God speak to me if I meditated on Him as much as I was on facebook?                                                                                                          
For the next 40 days I’m going to find out. Every year during lent I try to find something I can give up to focus on God more. What better thing to give up than something that replaces my time with Him in the morning and night. At the same time, this is something I can do to be a better help meet to my husband by taking care of things so he doesn’t have too. I do think I will still let him cook when he is home since the kids like his cooking better. What does ginning up facebook look like for me? There are a lot of people that I have contact with for school things and for work only through facebook. Because of that I will be receiving any messages that someone send me via my phone and I can reply to them, but for the next 40 days starting tomorrow I am not allowed to log into facebook. If you find that it is robbing you then I challenge you to spend more time serving your family, loving them, and seeking and spending more time with God over the next 40 days; will you join me?

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