Monday, July 18, 2011

Where are we going from here?

Where are we going from here? How many times have you asked yourself that question? I know Jason and I have asked it a lot, especially lately.
Jason and I agree that we are to be in marriage ministry, we’ve known it for years. I have been in a holding pattern waiting to walk out our ministry and now I feel like the storm is finally breaking. Now we are both in the same place and we are ready to move but there are so many obstacles. We are at a time of change in our life with Jason’s retirement from the Air Force looming in the future.  Looking ahead to try to figure out what he is going to do after military life our desire is to be in the will of God, but when we look at the present so many things are clouding our vision. We have been praying for the past couple of months for directions and clarification, yesterday I believe I received some direction.
Our Pastor was talking about what we can learn from John the Baptist and how he lived to be great in the kingdom of God. It wasn’t this extravagant life of him having his hands in every religious activity or living this glorious life, no, it was simple. First he lived a life led by the spirit. How many times have Jason and I felt the pull of the spirit in one direction but let the clutter of life pull us in another. He knew the call on his life and didn’t let anything waiver him from that call. The next thing John did was live a simple life. When our pastor talked about that, I began to get clarification. It was repeating things that I have been reading about in a book called “Radical”.
 Our pastor said, “Get to the point where you are unshackled by your need of approval.” It always amazes me how God can use something someone says to convict you so strongly.  I have continued to work in children’s ministry, even though I know that is not where God wants me because I don’t want to disappoint people or make people mad. It does at times feel like I’m shackled.   He ended his sermon with, “Let 'Jesus' be the one you are serving.” I have been serving the church, serving the children, serving my leaders, but I have not been serving Jesus. From the outside it may appear that way because we are supposed to serve in the church, but God wants us to serve where “HE” desires not just where there is a need. I must simplify my life to allow the Holy Spirit to work through it. Now is the time for us (Jason and I) to move in our ministry, even if it means I need to give up other areas of my life to do it, I will be obedient.

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