Saturday, September 10, 2011

Our Sacred Romance

God has given us a glorious gift in the restoration of our marriage. As I meditate on everything that God is doing all I can do is just stand in awe, and yet my heart breaks for others. They just don’t comprehend what God desires our lives to be like. He wants to bless us beyond measure but we need to turn, with all we are, to Him in order for Him to pour out His love and mercy.

The church has settled in this life and became passive in the pursuit of God’s will for their lives. In the years of struggles we had in our marriage I was told by many well-intentioned godly women to just accept things and be the dutiful wife. That was what I was supposed to do. I wanted to scream at them about the aching hunger I had inside, “don’t you understand that there is more! There has to be more than this or it is not worth living!” I would even pray to God to take that burning desire of what I felt God wanted for my marriage away; after all everyone around me was telling me it was an unreachable dream; unrealistic. I now thank God that He kept that passion burning. He gave me the promise to “restore the years” (Joel 2:25) and I held to it with everything I had.  

Jason and I stand now as a testimony that “all things are possible with God” (Matt. 19:26) and that God doesn’t just restore, He remakes all things new. (2 Cor. 5:17) But now the burning desire is still there; not for God to renew our own marriage; but the desire to shout it to the nations that this (what Jason and I have found) IS God’s will for marriage. He is still shaping us and I know He is not finished with us but as He molds us my prayer becomes this… Lord, Let us show others what Your will is that they too can have this sacred romance, which glorifies You. They too can understand God’s love, if at least a little and live it out daily in their homes. They too can join hands with their spouse and do battle for the hearts of their children; they too can be a living testimony to the heart of God. -In Jesus Name, Amen

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