Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romance Me

Forgive the repetition, This song has already inspired one blog in the past but just like God's Word, the same words can speak something totally different each time you read or hear them.

Embrace by Jake Hamilton

“Wanna feel your embrace, wanna feel your arms around me, wanna feel your heart beating, next to mine.”

We just got done studying Captivating by John and Staci Eldridge and one thing the book talked about was our desire for romance. I remember a time (actually I still struggle with it) when I hungered so badly for the romance. The problem I had was I was looking at Jason. Then Jesus started romancing me, first through music, then through His Word, and even through His creation. Then I finally came to a realization and turned to Him and felt His embrace.  I love my husband, and I still desire romance from him, but once I felt the embrace of God and heard Him whisper “you are my beloved”, nothing else compared. The only problem I have is it fed the hunger. I can’t get enough. I now want to sit at His feet all the time. It is at His feet I feel safe, I am romanced, I am encouraged, I am lifted up.

I get so busy and distracted by the world and the busyness that I forget my First Love. I begin to look to Jason to feed that hunger, and as much as he tries, he can’t and I’m left feeling lonely and hurt. But when I turn my gaze back to Jesus, that’s when I know, “it’s all gonna be ok”. Only He can fully satisfy. That’s why we have that burning desire. He put it there, but not for any earthly thing or person to fill; He put it there for Him. Only Jesus can fill the void we often feel. Turn your gaze to your Lover; let Him romance you; let Him comfort you. I promise (He promises Hebrews 13:5) He will not disappoint you when you turn your heart fully to Him.

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