Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I Have Tasted

Fifteen years ago this month Jason and I decided to take a weekend away from the kids. We lived in Texas at the time and we decided to visit a bed and breakfast in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Now there really isn’t much to do in Ardmore, but the whole reason for the weekend was to get away from the busyness and the kids. Even though I really don’t remember a whole lot about the weekend, I know we enjoyed the relaxation, and one thing has stood out to me for 15 years. The breakfast at Shiloh Morning Inn. They served Banana Fosters pancakes with pecans. I will never forget the taste, I have searched for something like it ever since.

Once you get a taste of something amazing you always want more, or at least you should. Jason and I were given a taste of what a godly marriage looks like and even though old habits sneak back in and things may have slipped, I have always craved and hungered for what we had a taste of. It makes us strive every day to get it back or maintain it when we find it again.

We also got the opportunity to taste what "church family" looks like. We were blessed to experience an atmosphere where we could be ourselves and not have to put on face. Everyone was genuine and loving and cared about each other. But even as the world has break-ups in families, so does the church and our wonderful family soon split up. Even though we went through the pain, we tasted what church should be and we hunger for it.

Jesus himself said in Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled; and in John 6:35 “I am bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” He planted in each one of us a hunger for something more. 

Then he gives us a taste.

I have heard many stories of revival. When I first started hearing the stories I honestly didn’t fully believe them. I grew up in the church, but it was a powerless church where you went every Sunday like the good little Christian and gave your offering and sang the songs out of the hymnal. Then, God gave me a taste.

He gave me a taste of the Living Word. The word that gave promises and actually fulfilled them. The Word that spoke directly to my heart and sometimes even cut straight through to clean out what wasn’t meant to be there. The word that encouraged me and taught me and strengthened me.

Then He gave me a taste of true worship. Music had always spoken to me, but one day I realized it wasn’t the music, it was God using the music. He gave me a taste of worship without music and as I worshiped my thirst was quenched.  

As I hungered for more, at a women’s conference, He gave me a taste of His heart for the lost. It was so strong and painful that it pushed me to the floor crying out for them to know Him. I was given a taste of what He feels for those who have walked away from Him; it was a taste of His hunger for us. After that I wanted even more. I had tasted His love and knew there was more. I began to get restless and would hear more stories of people who had had visions or encounters with Him. I Hungered for that. I would look around and see the people around me, comfortable with what they were getting in church, but I had tasted and I was hungry. I wasn’t satisfied; I knew there was more.

A few years went by with God giving me a taste here and a taste there and with every taste I wanted more. Then, in December 2012, He gave me a taste of revival. He gave me a taste of healing; being healed myself and then watching others be healed. During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season He gave me a taste of what Christmas was truly about. He gave me a taste of what happened when we drop everything just to be in the Presence of God. I knew what it felt like to be in a room where the presence of God was so thick you could no longer stand. Then on one of the many nights we were there, He gave me a taste of joy. Pure, unrestrained joy. The kind of joy where you laugh so hard and for so long your abs and cheeks hurt and tears are rolling down your cheeks, and when you think you can finally catch your breath the laughter starts again. (It’s the only ab workout I enjoy).  

On Valentine’s Day 2013 He gave me a taste of being used by Him. That was our Valentine's date, spending time in the presence of God. I was on the floor during worship unable to stand. I was able to get to my chair but during the teaching I was asked to come up front and pray for someone. I was still really shaky and couldn't stop laughing and  all I could think was, "how am I .supposed walk the few few feet with these wobbly legs?" I managed to stand and with Jason behind me in case I fell I worked my way up front. All I could do was extend my hands and laugh with what felt like electricity pulsing through me. God healed the lady that night and and put me back on the floor. During my time laying on the floor, I realized my identity. I was given a taste of how God can use someone so unworthy and unqualified.

After a few months, things began to die down and most people went back to life as usual, but God had given us a taste. When you are given a taste you crave more. There have been many moves of God, big and small and with each move God gives us a taste of the kingdom. With each taste we get, we should want more. He says “blessed are those who hunger”. I hunger. I hunger to see a church laid out under the Presence of God. I hunger to see children so bold and moved by God that they are praying for their friends in school and bringing them to church. I hunger to be interrupted to do the will of God on this earth. I hunger to see the Gods people surrendered to His Glory and His will.

Many people hunger for the Kingdom of God. Too many in the church believe they cant experience the Kingdom until Jesus returns, but I have seen and witnessed when the Kingdom breaks through and people are never the same. I long to see complacency die in the body  and passion burn. I thirst for His Presence and hunger for His righteousness. I have tasted and I want more.

Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation;  nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there! ’For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”- Luke 17:20-21

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