Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Air I Breathe- Reboot

It has been a long time since I have written. I have spent the last two years pursuing my Associates Degree and in January I will be continuing on for my bachelor’s with a major in Sociology. For the past 3 months I have been feeling like something was missing and this morning when I was looking over some past blogs to get inspired, I came across one I wrote in 2013- “Making Room for God to Become the Air You Breathe.”  After reading it, I realized not only how far my writing has come, but I realize how much I have been suffocating the past few months.  I am posting a reboot to remind myself that we need to make Him the air we breathe. (Sorry I had to edit the grammar. I couldn’t believe I had published it with that many errors.) 

I have learned, that regardless of how much we go to church and pray, we can still suffocate if we don’t breathe Him in daily. This means we need to be in the Word daily and worship daily. I was spending time listening to podcasts in the car, and I would do quick, one to two verse devotions, but I wasn’t taking those deep, full breaths of Him that I needed. I invite you to reboot by taking a slow, deep breath of His goodness and mercy for all of us. 

  “Making Room for God to Become the Air You Breathe.” 

"Making room for God to do as He pleases and then cooperating with Him is the greatest thing we can do to see an increase in signs and wonders" - Bill Johnson.

The song "I Need You More" by Jesus Culture has the lyrics "I need You more... more than the air I breathe, more than the song I sing, more than my next heartbeat, more than anything.:"

God desires for us to hunger after Him. He wants us to put Him, above all else, in our lives. I have learned on my journey with Him that He MUST come first. He IS the air I breathe and the water I thirst for. Without air and water, we die. When I begin to let other things take me away from my daily time with Him, I feel like I am dying. When I look to Him as the air I breathe and the water I drink, it makes it easy for me to put aside the things of the world and spend time with Him.

 But that's not enough. We don't stop what we are doing to breathe, we breathe as we are doing. I want to be so immersed in His presence that a minute doesn't go by without Him being acknowledged. I want my actions to permeate with His love and presence.

In Luke 5:1-11 Jesus had just finished a night of miraculous signs and when He told Simon Peter, James and John to cast out their nets after not catching anything all night they obeyed. Out of their obedience, when they were tired from working all night, they themselves were granted a miraculous catch that almost sunk two boats. Jesus then gave them the invitation to leave everything and follow Him.

What is it in our lives that keeps us from dropping everything to follow Him? I believe it's the same thing that the disciples struggled with - fear and unworthiness. Jesus wouldn't call us if HE believed us to be unworthy, so are we going to call Him a liar and agree with the enemy?

2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him, we might become the righteousness of God". If you have accepted Christ as your savior, you have become the righteousness of God, this makes you worthy of all that He has for you.

As for fear; 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of sound mind.”

It is time for the Church, the Bride of Christ, to step into our true inheritance, to lay our lives down for Christ. Invite Him to be the air you breathe, and as you go about your day breathing Him in, He will permeate your life till those around you begin to see and feel the love of God. Invite Him to partner with you in all you do; at work, at home, at school, and at play. Wherever God has placed you on this earth let Him reign there.

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