Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Arise and Rend Your Hearts to God.

God has taken our marriage from the brink of divorce and is "restoring the years the locusts have eaten" - Joel 2:25. I began sharing our story in September 2010 to offer encouragement and hope to those who were walking where I have walked. Now God is taking us on a new journey of restoration, one not just for us but for His Kingdom here on earth.
For too long the Church has been asleep. We have gone through the motions and thought we were doing good, but the Church in America has become luke warm. Years have been stolen from us while were were unaware. Now is the time to ARISE. We have been devoured by the things of this world and we have not been able to advance His Kingdom. He is calling His people to "rend their hearts not their garments." It is not about going to church on Sundays, attending a Bible study, serving, singing songs and putting a little money in the plate; though all are good things they mean nothing with out us rendering our heart to God. When we turn our gaze, steadfast to Him and love Him with ALL OUR HEARTS, He promises to restore the years.  Joel 2:13-32

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