Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fishers of Men (By Jason)

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

When Jesus calls us, he calls us to be the fishers of men, but we are not the ones holding the pole or in biblical times the nets.  We are the bait that the world see’s.  When they see Jesus through us in our: actions, words, giving and desires.  If we don’t walk the path that is written in God’s Word then how can others believe?  That does not mean we never fall, but when we fall we get back up and get right with God; pressing forward. Philippians 3:14 (NLT) I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

The problem with fishing is free will of the fish.  You don’t control how the fish will approach the bait; it can be a nibble, a half-hearted strike or it can be aggressive.  Nibbling will result in a superficial relationship, while a half-hearted strike results in a hook in which is easily pulled out.  If they dive aggressively head first and swallow the bait so no one can release the hook.  We must swallow the hook fully to go deep with God; there is no choice if you want to be near the Kingdom while on Earth.

How does this relate to us in our walk?
When I was learning about Christ I chose to be a nibbler and was dissatisfied.  It wasn’t what I expected or had seen in others.  I have since learned that God gives in measure to what we give to Him.  Over the last 13 years I have deepened my relationship.  Walking through a half-hearted relationship with Him believing you are saved just because of a prayer, but not digging deeper to have a true relationship with Him.  I have since learned that you must swallow the bait fully to become one with the Fisherman.

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