Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lay It Down

I have all these ideas of what God is calling us to in the futures, yet I desire to hold on to none of them. As Christmas and the New Year approaches, many, including myself, reflect on the past year and contemplate the year to come. I don't want to make resolutions because they only hinder the work of the Lord. Jason and I have dreams; we feel pulled to help victims of sex trafficking, yet we must wait on God's guidance and timing. He brought my niece to us to give us a taste of what we will need and to open connections (even though she wasn't involved in that to our knowledge she was in a bad situation). He has shown us through her that there will be some that do not want to, or are not ready to be reached. We can sow the seeds, yet we have no control over what type of soil they fall on. 
When I reflect on the birth of Christ, I realize again how much God loves us. He took off His heavenly robes to be born of mankind in the humility of a stable. He left behind all He had in Heaven to join us, in all of our filth, here on earth, to live as we live, to demonstrate to us all that is available to us as children of God. He bore all of our sins on the cross so that we could be adopted. But He didn't stop there; He continually pursues us with a passionate love. So as I look ahead, I am excited about what God is going to do through those who lay it down. Lay down the presents, lay down the jobs, lay down the hustle and bustle, lay down the decorations, lay down the dreams; laying it all down to be available, ready to be interrupted for the coming of the Kingdom.
"Tarry not for a convenient time. The movings of the Spirit are never convenient to the interests of the flesh, and I shall engineer your circumstances to conform to My plan and my will. You will glorify Me, for My plan for you excels all other ways, and in the center of My will is a perpetual fountain of Glory." - Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts 

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