Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dependent On God

From Come Away My Beloved By Frances J. Roberts

They complained against the landowner, saying, “These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us, who have borne the burden and the heat of the day,” But he answered one of them and said, “Friend I am doing you no wrong… I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.”  Matthew 20:11-14

Behold, I have put My Spirit upon you that you should cry and not keep silent. Yes, I have spoken to you that you might know the burden of the Lord and might understand what is in My heart.

For I love My people, My chosen and elect; and My heart grieves over them, because they are turned aside. They have known my love; yes, they have tasted of my goodness and entered into My grace, and I have given them My salvation; but their love has grown cold, their desires have turned to others, and their ways are the paths of self-seeking and folly.

For I am a jealous God and I will not share my glory with another. Yes, I will pour out My goodness without restraint upon every open heart, and to all who cry out to Me, I will be gracious.

But my people have not cried; they have not called. They have been satisfied with the husks of this present world, and in an hour of indifference, they have allowed the pleasures of this life to fill that place which belongs only to Me. Yes, it has displaced My Spirit, but it does not satisfy.
O that they might return to Me, for as the father awaited return of the prodigal, so I long for My people. My heart is lifted up with grief, and My tears flow as a fountain. For I love them. My soul is drawn out to them.

Return to Me, and I will return to you. Put away the idols, and give Me your heart. Lay your heart open before Me, and I will purge away the dross. I will cleanse it and fill it with My glory. You will no longer crave the leeks and the garlic of Egypt. You will no longer feed upon the chaff; but I will satisfy your soul with manna from heaven, and with milk and honey you shall be nourished.
And your health will return to you, and your vigor, and you will serve Me with fresh energy. You shall go forth in new power, and My joy will be your constant portion. Though you labor in the last hour before sunset, you shall be rewarded the same as those who preceded you.  (Matthew 20:1-16)

God is searching and calling out believers to live in dependency on Him. Those who are “working” and “laboring” for their provision are being sifted. I’m not saying man shouldn’t work, but when man works he should “work as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). What I am seeing happening is that our jobs are becoming the “idols” that is mentioned in the passage above.

In my work as a labor assistant, I have taught many Christian women how to step into the redemptive work of the cross during childbirth and have a pain free birth. Just like pain in childbirth was a result of the fall, toil at work is also a result.  God is calling His people to step into the redemptive work of the cross.

Jesus came to die for us, not just for the forgiveness of sins but also to restore us back to God’s original design and purpose for us; total dependency on HIM. When we say to ourselves, “I have to work to provide for my family” you are not being dependent on God.

Jason and I have been given a great opportunity to put our trust in Him and to look to Him as our provider. When Jason’s last job began interfering with the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit, God told us to depend on Him and let go of the “idol”. We were being called (as every believer is) to “Seek first His Kingdom” (Matthew 6:33) and let Him handle the rest. It was a huge leap of faith, knowing we didn't have a lot of savings, but we have a Daddy who owns “cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10), and we stepped out in obedience. 

He has given us the promise of provision for our needs. It doesn't mean Jason doesn't do anything, but we knew that whatever job he took we had to stay dependent on God’s provision.  He just started working for a company as a salesman working on commission. We have the great opportunity to give our lives to the work of God’s hands as we step out in obedience and watch what God is going to do.  Instead of looking at ourselves, working and toiling to barely provide, we are going to “work as unto God” for His glory to be revealed through our lives. We are letting Him do what only He can do and provide for our needs and fulfill the promise he gave us and watch the mountain of debt disappear.

All for HIS glory!!!

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