Monday, June 23, 2014

Get Ready For Battle

There is a sifting and a stirring taking place in the body of Christ. Those flowing in the Spirit and boldly proclaiming truth are being criticized and judged. Jason and I have experienced with people thinking we are "falling away" because we are not doing their way. I am now seeing friends in other ministries experience similar persecution. Which tells me we are on the path we are supposed to be on. 

In my last blog I wrote how God is "searching for believers and calling believers to live in dependency on Him" I went to a class this weekend and again I heard that God is searching. He is searching for those with pure and sincere hearts. He is searching for the non-squeamish and the obedient. 

When I opened up the word this morning it fell open to Joel 3. It spoke to me about our ministry working with trafficking victims, but the verses that really stood out to me were 9-13a. 

Proclaim this among the nations: PREPARE FOR WAR!
Let all fighting men draw near and attack. 
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. 
Let the weakling say, 'I AM STRONG!'
Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. 
Bring down Your warriors, O Lord!
Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, 
for there I will set to judge all the nations on every side. 
Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe.

We are living in dark times and God is calling everyday people to arm themselves and "prepare for war!" Awake, Awake, Church!! The battle has begun. We MUST be the light in the darkness, for the world will die without it. We must wear the armor of God and yield the sword of Truth. We are in a fierce battle and the Lord is calling all His people to active duty and He has given us our assignments. 

Will the body of Christ go a.w.o.l. or will we rush into the front lines in obedience to our Commander?

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