Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Merry Christmas

As 2014 wraps up and we celebrate the birth of our Savior, I reflect back over this year and look at all that He has done in our lives. This has been a roller coaster of a year. I want to apologize to my readers for my lack of posts. Since September we have went through job changes, Jason returning to school and changes in the church. There is so much I want to share about what God is doing in our lives and how He has provided yet I have struggled to find the words. I feel like He is still walking us through some healing and teaching us new things and until I understand what it is I can't put it into words. As we head into the New Year I just want to remind you that God is a God of restoration and no matter what pain or trials you have to go through He promises in His word to "never leave you or foresake you". Hebrews 13:5  I will be over this block soon and be able to share my story but until then have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hanging With God

I heard a "religious" teaching recently where the person said, "you can't hang with God". I honestly didn't listen to much else on the teaching because I knew how wrong those words were. My heart actually broke for the person; here he was a leader and he believed he couldn't hang with God.

For me, I immediately countered what was said with the words of Jesus in John 15:15, "I don't call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn't know what his master is doing. But I've called you friends, because I've made known to you everything that I've heard from My Father."

Jesus is my best friend and I hang with Him everyday. Those words, spoken in that teaching, didn't hurt me, but it made me realize how many "mature" Christians believe that they "cant hang with God". My question is, if you can't hang with God, who can you hang with?

I know intimately, the meaning of "nothing can separate you from the love of Christ" (Romans 8:35-39), including yourself. As a teenager and young adult I didn't want to "hang with God. I saw people in the church who spoke of all the things you had to do to receive God's love, and they spoke about how much God loved them, but they were not living what they were preaching. If that was God; if He didn't like me the way I was, I didn't need Him. 

But God did love me. He loved me so much that when I ran from Him he pursued me. He put road blocks in my path to turn me back to Him, and He never, I mean NEVER left my side. When I was ready to finally accept His unfailing, unconditional love, all I had to do was the slightest turn to be in His arms.

Since then, I have spent nights talking with God, crying with Him, and my favorite, laughing with Him. I have heard His voice, understood His words, and even felt His arms wrap around me. I hang with Him. I tell Him everything, even though He already knows it, and I seek to know everything about Him. 

I find it sad that there are people who read His word; study it; teach it, yet don't know Him. What I have learned in my "hang time" with Him is that nothing you do is worthy of the love of God, but He loves you anyway, so much so that "while we were still sinners" (Romans 5:8) He sent His Son to die a brutal death so that we can be reconciled to Him. He missed "hang time" with you that much.

Not only that but He knows us so well, that He knows we will mess up and we will jeopardize our time with Him. Because He wants us so much, He gives us someone to help us. Holy Spirit lives in us so He can always be with us. He doesn't just want "hang time', He wants to be one with us; and with the Holy Spirit He is. Holy Spirit guides us, teaches us, helps us understand, strengthens us, encourages us, and comforts us. There is no better friend. 

John 15:13 "No one shows greater love than when he lays down his life for his friends" Jesus did that for me; He did that for you. He wants to call you friend. He wants to hang with you right where you area at, and if you don't feel worthy, that's okay, just accept His unfailing, unconditional love and then let Him send you the Holy Spirit to cleanse you and to pull you out of the miry pit and set your feet on the Rock. (Psalm 40:2) He loves you, He always has and He always will.

If God is pulling on your heart and you would like someone to pray with please message me at or find a local church to pray with you.

Monday, August 25, 2014

I Will Be Transparent

I've been in situations over the past year when my transparency has been called into question. Most of the time, it has been from well- meaning people who think I am too transparent. I have seen the result of a lack of transparency and it never ends well. However, when you are transparent the worse thing that can happen to you is a lack of acceptance. 

I recently read an article from Focus on the Family written by Lynne Thompson and I cannot say it a better way. “ Real transparency occurs when I am comfortable being me, flaws and all, no matter what environment I find myself in.” Why would I want to hide who I really am? After all, God formed me and continues to shape me.

I look at the definition of transparent, the two parts are 1) having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly. 2) free from pretense or deceit. To me, as a Christian, that says that when I pretend to be something I’m not, or deceive people about who I really am, I cloud the “Body” lying beneath. Let’s put it another way, when I do not pretend to be something I’m not it humbles me to the point of admitting my flaws, at the same time, it allows people the opportunity to see the “Light” being transmitted through me. When I acknowledge my flaws instead of trying to cover them up, it lets people see Christ working in my life more clearly. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NLT) says, “…so now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

The article goes on to say, “Living a transparent life can sound quite scary. We may never know how people are going to respond to the real us. What if reality disappoints?” Are we living for man’s approval or for our heavenly Father’s? The Bible says, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) and “nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.” (Romans 8:38-39) So do we really have to pretend to be something we are not?

I believe not being transparent can be a dangerous thing. The article quoted Dr. Gary Thomas, author of Authentic Faith : The Power of a Fire-Tested Life, “Eventually the jig is up. Our God loves us to much to allow the charade to continue…There is tremendous freedom, more freedom than most could fathom, when somebody truly knows you and all your ‘stuff’ and still loves you and respects you.” When you try to cover up your faults, it’s like climbing onto a pedestal, you can only hold your balance for so long before you come tumbling down.

I myself would rather lie at the feet of Jesus. It is there that I know I am loved and I am accepted by the only One that matters. It is there, I receive my strength through Him who strengthens. At the feet of Jesus, there are no boxes of religion, there is no condemnation, and there is no fear of falling because I've already fallen, I’m already low. At His feet there is a love and freedom that no one can find while standing on a pedestal. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

A Seed To The Ministry

God is orchestrating some amazing things in the symphony of our lives.  He has given us so many promises over the years and He has never failed to accomplish them. 

The past year and a half he placed within me a heart for those in captivity. Something else He placed in me a long time ago was a determination to seek justice, so when I find out about an injustice I can't just let it sit. I have to do something. I used to think it was me playing the part of the hero, but now I realize that God placed that there to be His hands and feet to the captives. 

I have been learning a lot lately about human trafficking and that it is a problem in our own backyard. I also see the gaps in helping the victims. A few months ago God gave me a vision for a restoration house, a place where, not only can victims escape the life of captivity, but they can begin to restore their lives. 

At the same time God put those things in my heart, Jason's job situation began to falter. God also gave us a promise to move the mountain of debt. We have tried to be very good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, but we were not always that faithful and we are still paying for those years of unfaithfulness. Because of that we have this mountain of debt that we thought was holding us back from the things we felt God calling us to. 

It’s only human when things begin to shake in our lives and we begin to doubt and lack faith, but it’s through maturity in Christ that we can stand firm on the rock and not let the shaking destroy us. When we have a firm foundation in the rock of our Lord Jesus, no waves can wash us away. In the natural, Jason and I see this overwhelming mountain and not enough income to tackle it. We see what God is calling us to and feel chained, unable to reach out and grab hold of the mission He has for us. But God is faithful and we are standing on the rock. 

Jason, just recently, lost the sales job that he had and again is unemployed. Most people would begin to worry and look for another job, but our faith does not lie in the work of Jason's hands. It lies in the provision of our Heavenly Daddy. We have had several earthly doors shut to us in this past year, and we believe it is because God is calling us to walk through His door to a greater purpose which leads to our ministry. Jason is returning to school this fall and I will begin in the winter term. As God calls us into this greater purpose, and we step out in obedience, we are putting our trust in Him to be our provider, Jason's retirement covers the bills but we have a mountain of debt and tuition for Becca that we are trusting God to provide for. 

Since making that decision and stepping in obedience, He hasn't disappointed us. We have had extra money come in from various sources, a couple of which were led by the Spirit to give. It is very humbling when you are handed a check for no reason, but I am so grateful for God's provision. Months ago I would have felt shame if that would have happened, but now I accept it with all thankfulness because I know it is our Daddy taking care of us. As we use what He is providing to tackle our mountain we are also dividing it and setting aside a seed to begin our ministry. We are beginning to put together the vision for His Covering Ministries and pull together our prayer partners. In the next few months we will be putting together a website and gathering other warriors to meet once a month to pray for victims of human trafficking and the organizations that are already on the front lines. As we begin to provide a prayer covering, we will also be educating and raising awareness to this injustice. As Jason begins school this fall, I will begin to partner with other organizations to begin reaching out to the victims. Exciting things are yet to come and I wait anxiously to see the captives set free, and the years the locusts have eaten restored to the victims of human trafficking. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Get Ready For Battle

There is a sifting and a stirring taking place in the body of Christ. Those flowing in the Spirit and boldly proclaiming truth are being criticized and judged. Jason and I have experienced with people thinking we are "falling away" because we are not doing their way. I am now seeing friends in other ministries experience similar persecution. Which tells me we are on the path we are supposed to be on. 

In my last blog I wrote how God is "searching for believers and calling believers to live in dependency on Him" I went to a class this weekend and again I heard that God is searching. He is searching for those with pure and sincere hearts. He is searching for the non-squeamish and the obedient. 

When I opened up the word this morning it fell open to Joel 3. It spoke to me about our ministry working with trafficking victims, but the verses that really stood out to me were 9-13a. 

Proclaim this among the nations: PREPARE FOR WAR!
Let all fighting men draw near and attack. 
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. 
Let the weakling say, 'I AM STRONG!'
Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. 
Bring down Your warriors, O Lord!
Let the nations be roused; let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, 
for there I will set to judge all the nations on every side. 
Swing the sickle for the harvest is ripe.

We are living in dark times and God is calling everyday people to arm themselves and "prepare for war!" Awake, Awake, Church!! The battle has begun. We MUST be the light in the darkness, for the world will die without it. We must wear the armor of God and yield the sword of Truth. We are in a fierce battle and the Lord is calling all His people to active duty and He has given us our assignments. 

Will the body of Christ go a.w.o.l. or will we rush into the front lines in obedience to our Commander?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dependent On God

From Come Away My Beloved By Frances J. Roberts

They complained against the landowner, saying, “These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us, who have borne the burden and the heat of the day,” But he answered one of them and said, “Friend I am doing you no wrong… I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.”  Matthew 20:11-14

Behold, I have put My Spirit upon you that you should cry and not keep silent. Yes, I have spoken to you that you might know the burden of the Lord and might understand what is in My heart.

For I love My people, My chosen and elect; and My heart grieves over them, because they are turned aside. They have known my love; yes, they have tasted of my goodness and entered into My grace, and I have given them My salvation; but their love has grown cold, their desires have turned to others, and their ways are the paths of self-seeking and folly.

For I am a jealous God and I will not share my glory with another. Yes, I will pour out My goodness without restraint upon every open heart, and to all who cry out to Me, I will be gracious.

But my people have not cried; they have not called. They have been satisfied with the husks of this present world, and in an hour of indifference, they have allowed the pleasures of this life to fill that place which belongs only to Me. Yes, it has displaced My Spirit, but it does not satisfy.
O that they might return to Me, for as the father awaited return of the prodigal, so I long for My people. My heart is lifted up with grief, and My tears flow as a fountain. For I love them. My soul is drawn out to them.

Return to Me, and I will return to you. Put away the idols, and give Me your heart. Lay your heart open before Me, and I will purge away the dross. I will cleanse it and fill it with My glory. You will no longer crave the leeks and the garlic of Egypt. You will no longer feed upon the chaff; but I will satisfy your soul with manna from heaven, and with milk and honey you shall be nourished.
And your health will return to you, and your vigor, and you will serve Me with fresh energy. You shall go forth in new power, and My joy will be your constant portion. Though you labor in the last hour before sunset, you shall be rewarded the same as those who preceded you.  (Matthew 20:1-16)

God is searching and calling out believers to live in dependency on Him. Those who are “working” and “laboring” for their provision are being sifted. I’m not saying man shouldn’t work, but when man works he should “work as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). What I am seeing happening is that our jobs are becoming the “idols” that is mentioned in the passage above.

In my work as a labor assistant, I have taught many Christian women how to step into the redemptive work of the cross during childbirth and have a pain free birth. Just like pain in childbirth was a result of the fall, toil at work is also a result.  God is calling His people to step into the redemptive work of the cross.

Jesus came to die for us, not just for the forgiveness of sins but also to restore us back to God’s original design and purpose for us; total dependency on HIM. When we say to ourselves, “I have to work to provide for my family” you are not being dependent on God.

Jason and I have been given a great opportunity to put our trust in Him and to look to Him as our provider. When Jason’s last job began interfering with the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit, God told us to depend on Him and let go of the “idol”. We were being called (as every believer is) to “Seek first His Kingdom” (Matthew 6:33) and let Him handle the rest. It was a huge leap of faith, knowing we didn't have a lot of savings, but we have a Daddy who owns “cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalm 50:10), and we stepped out in obedience. 

He has given us the promise of provision for our needs. It doesn't mean Jason doesn't do anything, but we knew that whatever job he took we had to stay dependent on God’s provision.  He just started working for a company as a salesman working on commission. We have the great opportunity to give our lives to the work of God’s hands as we step out in obedience and watch what God is going to do.  Instead of looking at ourselves, working and toiling to barely provide, we are going to “work as unto God” for His glory to be revealed through our lives. We are letting Him do what only He can do and provide for our needs and fulfill the promise he gave us and watch the mountain of debt disappear.

All for HIS glory!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


That’s what we have been hearing from God for the past few months. At first we thought it was the material things we needed to simplify, so we began weeding through things. We soon realized that is was more than material clutter affecting our lives. People in general, are chocked full of spiritual clutter which makes their lives more difficult than it needs to be. What does spiritual clutter look like? Most people continually seek more “teaching” to get to know God and have more revelation; they are constantly looking for new “Bible Studies”. Is that what we really need? We are to continually seek God and He is new every morning so there is always something new to learn from His word, but “study” has become clutter to many Christians. So many believe they need this great revelation before their lives can get better and they start serving God, but in reality what they need is to just start doing what they already know. 

I have been walking this path of righteousness for over 13 years now and I see people who have been walking longer than me behind me and some that have been walking less than me ahead of me. We are all on the same path so why the different speed? It wasn't necessarily that those ahead of me received this great revelation. It was the hunger, the drive, the surrender to the love of God that moved them along so quickly. It was their willingness to yield to something greater than themselves.

Last night we went to hear some good friends of ours speak about their missions work in South Sudan. I wrote this blog a few days ago but God didn't release me to post it. After hearing what Brad had to say, I knew I had to add some of his words to this. He shared their story of their willingness to yield and go to South Sudan to minister to the children there.  When they first went, they didn't necessarily know everything that they were doing, but they went in obedience to God. Over Christmas they learned the meaning of “there’s safety in the will of God”. The American church believes that means that if they are following God’s will then no harm will come to them. Brad reminded us of all the people in the Bible who were in God’s will yet suffered beatings, imprisonment, poverty, etc. So what does “there’s safety in the will of God” mean? It means that God’s will is safe and perfect (Romans 12:2). They may not have been fully qualified and definitely were not prepared for everything they were to encounter in South Sudan, especially when they were caught in the middle of a war and had to leave the children they had loved and cared for in order to eventually get them to a safer place. They walked out every step in full dependency on God not knowing what each step would bring.

Brad taught on Matthew 9:37 “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”. Years ago Jason and I heard the word “go”, so we went to our pastor at the time and was told we needed to go to school and do all this stuff before we could go. Last night Brad talked about the qualifications needed to go. “Qualifications come from obedience to Him, not waiting till you get it right… The 72 were sent out and they didn't even know how to pray.” When you go, you are “dependent on His power”. “Jesus didn't tell us to pray for people to be healed, He told us to heal them. We are supposed to have authority. Working out our character issues is keeping us from the truth… You just obey the Lord, let God make it workable. Let the Lord decide when you are ready to go. If you will say yes, He will reveal Himself in us and manifest Himself through us.”

Instead of more “teaching” and fellowship we have been told to simplify, “seeking first His Kingdom, praying, continually yielding our lives to be His instruments for His kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. Many are not going to understand what we are doing but we are going to continue to walk in this freedom and righteousness and plant the seeds of the kingdom wherever God sends us. 

Brad and Kim Campbell are missionaries with Keeping Hope Alive Ministries. They are currently in the United States raising awareness and funding to return to Africa and be reunited with the orphans in their care.

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Woman Is Not an "IT"

I just read an article about "Modesty in the Church". It was a very good article for Christians, unfortunately, the article wasn't about a "Christian" woman dressing inappropriately, It was about a visitor to a church coming in dressing that way. I understand it is a struggle for men, to be quite honest, its a struggle for women too, but that's a subject for another blog. However, this article refers to the reactions of Christian men; what standards are they being forced to hold up to? 

A comment in the article was, "After all, Sunday mornings were supposed to be a time when Christians should feel safe from temptation, not worrying whether it will sit next to them."

 Really? Really? there is so much wrong with this statement I don't even know where to begin. I guess I will start with the fact that  the church is not a place "to be safe from sin". I hate to tell you this, but sin will always be crouching at our door and it is our responsibility to seek the presence of God and allow the Holy Spirit in to keep it at bay.The church is not a place where we can bubble wrap ourselves to protect us from the world it is supposed to be a place where we hold each other accountable and build each other up in the faith. It's a place where people come to seek the presence of God and get to know the love of our Creator.

Now lets talk about the authors use of "it" in this statement. I sincerely hope that was a typo. The woman was NOT AN "IT". she was a human being and Jesus loves her just as much as he loves us. to diminish her to an "it" contributes to the reason why us woman have to overcompensate in modesty because of the weaknesses of men. The woman who was the inspiration for this story was most definitely not an "it", she was a visitor, someone who may have been seeking  a loving God and yet just because of the way she was dressed, was probably met with sneers and whispers, instead of the loving arms of the church. Didn't Jesus hangout with the prostitutes and tax collectors.

This article shines a light on something much deeper than modesty. It's the hearts and thoughts of the "mature" Christians. They selfishly were so wrapped up in their own sin struggles they more than likely missed an opportunity to bring someone into the Kingdom. 

 I have 4 beautiful daughters and I'm the spiritual mom  to at least 10 other girls, so I'm all about teaching modesty. That's why I read the article , and it was a good reminder to Christians. But just as you cant tell an orange to dress like an apple, you cant write an article to Christians based on something a non-believer did. That is just being judgmental. Jesus came for the broken, He came for the hurting, He came for the sinners. We, HIS Church, are supposed to represent Him; but instead, the broken, hurting, and those trapped in sin are met with judgement and hypocritical jeers if they try to approach our God. Maybe instead of judging the actions of those who don't know God the church needs to be dealing with it's own temptations and sins. If we were a victorious church the inappropriate dress of  someone seeking a loving God would not be an issue.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

He Who Sows...

As I was reading my devotion book today it just really tugged on my heart. I am a professed health nut. I often refer to myself as "granola". My family may not eat as healthy as I want them to and I admit I do indulge in "junk food" every now and then, but I am fascinated how God gave our bodies the ability to heal themselves and gave us the proper food to aid in that healing. In our society though we miss it. Nutrition effects every aspect of our lives; not only nutrition but our thought patterns. That is what my devotion was about and I would like to pass it on. It is from the devotional book Come Away My Beloved by  Frances Roberts. For my regular readers I have often quoted  from this book, this time I share the whole passage.

Whatsoever You Sow

He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, 
and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully...
He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food,
supply and multiply the seed you have sown
and increase the fruits of your righteousness.
2 Corinthians 9:6,10

How can I give healing for your body when there is anxiety in your mind? So long as there is disease in your thoughts, there will be disease in your body. You need many things, but one thing in particular you must develop for your own preservation, and that is an absolute confidence in My loving care.

It is written, "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
Only when your mind is at rest can your body build health. Worry is an actively destructive force. Anxiety produces tension, and tension is the road to pain. Fear is devastating to the physical well-being of the body, Anger throws poison into the system that no antibiotic can ever counteract.

"Be sure you sin will find you out," the Bible states (Numbers 32:23). One of the most common ways that hidden sin is revealed is through the maladies of the body. Resentments and ill will bring about more arthritis than is caused by wrong diet. More asthma is caused by repressed fury than by pollen or cat fur. 

There is no illness in the body of Jesus because there was no sin in His soul. There was weariness as a natural result of labor and sacrificial service, but there was no undo fatigue and exhaustion brought on by anxiety.

Ten minutes of unbridled temper can waste enough strength to do a half day of wholesome work. Your physical energy is a gift from God, entrusted to you to be employed for His glory. It is sin to take His gift and dissipate it through the trap doors of the disposition's evil emotions. 

Do not condemn others for jeopardizing their health by harmful habits and wasting their energies on vain pursuits while you undermine your health by unworthy emotions. You wast time by entertaining such things as self-pity and remorse and evil  surmising when you might be keeping your mind in an attitude of praise and faith. Your mind could be constructively employed, but instead you allow this to be a period of destructive action.

You cannot risk giving your thoughts free rein. They will never choose the right path unless you bridle them and control them by your own disciplined will. You are master of your own house. You do not have to invite into your mind the foul birds of evil thoughts and allow them to nest there and bring forth their young.

Whatever you sow in your secret thought life, that you will reap. Sow love and kindness, and you shall be rewarded openly. Sow charity and forgiveness, and you shall reap in kind. Sow generosity and gratitude, and you shall never feel poor. Sow hope, and you shall reap fulfillment. Sow praise, and you shall reap joy and well-being and a strong faith. Sow bountifully, and you shall reap bountifully. Sow! You shall see your seed and be satisfied.

God wants us to be healed, not just in our bodies but in our minds and our emotions. Negativity only feeds negativity. God's very words says it all I don't need to add anything else.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.
Deuteronomy 30:19

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Why do Christians feel the need to have walls? 

I understand that we are to "guard your heart because from it flow the springs of life" (Proverbs 4:23 ISV), but I believe there is a difference between “guarding” and building a wall. Being guarded means that things can pass through; nothing can pass through a wall.

I've been surrounded, lately, by situations in which I see the walls that people have constructed. I have been tempted to build them myself. I know about walls; I used to have a lot of them. I understand why we put them up. Vulnerability is a scary thing, but knowing who I am in Christ gives me courage to be vulnerable. In ancient times they would build a wall around the city to fortify it against attack, but even a city had a gate where provision and supply could pass through. I want Christ to be my protector; I don’t want to depend on a man-made wall which can crumble under a strong attack. How many blessings and how much guidance do we miss because we have our walls constructed so well that nothing gets through? When we build a wall, we are actually telling God we don’t trust Him.

I remember a time when I was praying fervently for a breakthrough in a situation. God showed me a vision of a wall blocking Him from me. When I saw the wall, I wanted to push it down, but I was weak and it was painful. Then I realized, I was actually holding the wall up as He was trying to push it down. When I let go and stepped back the wall came down.That night was the same night God shut my mouth and told me to just "be still and know that He is God". The Holy Spirit began to move in my life in ways I didn't think was possible.

When we build wall to protect ourselves we are, in reality, blocking God’s will from moving freely in our lives. The same is true when we put on our masks to protect ourselves and keep others from seeing who we really are. Masks only enable people from holding us accountable and are another form of hypocrisy. They are also another form of a wall, this time blocking growth and teaching.

A wall is saying to God that you doubt his protection and security. He promises in his word that “He knows the plans He has for us” and they are “not to harm” us so why do we fear vulnerability? Instead of trusting God with our lives, we try to determine and make our own plans and guide our own ways pushing aside the will of God for our lives.

Isaiah 55:8-9
" ' For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,' 
declares the Lord
'As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
and My thoughts than your thoughts' "

Monday, April 14, 2014

You Can't Drag People Into the Kingdom

When I was a teenager, growing up in a small town, I ran from the hypocrisy of the church and I ran from God. I had people in my life at that time who would gently nudge me to return to church and I also had people in my life who would try to push me back to God. Maybe it's because I am very strong willed, but when someone pushes me I tend to do the opposite of what they wanted me to do (God has worked that out a lot with me, but that is a subject of another blog).These well-intentioned people knew I had grown up in church, but the more they pushed, the more I ran.

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who had been "pushed"  by someone. She knew my beliefs and she also knew that I knew and respected where she was on her journey. That is the only reason she confided in me, because I had earned her trust and respect.

I have seen it too many times; well meaning Christians pushing people away from God, as they try to drag them into the Kingdom. It is a matter of the condition of the heart for that individual. I'm pretty sure Jesus wants people to come to Him on their own terms not because they are made to feel guilty  or because they want the person "ministering" to them to just leave them alone.

I've been called a "turn or burn" person, and maybe I am. I guess that depends on how you define "turn or burn". I don't force my faith on other people, I tell them the truth, I give testimony of what God has done in my life, then I leave them to make their own choice; even if that choice is to burn. It's not that I give up on the person, I continue to pray for them and love them. I just know that just like you cant pull a sprout out of a seed you cant force the faith in someone else.

How many Christians continue to use the same approach with the same person, getting the same results and then they blame and judge that person instead of realizing that what they are doing is trying to force or drag that person into the Kingdom. I don't think that is how Jesus did it.  Just look at the story of the prodigal son. Here is a story about a father who raised his son in the way he saw fit, but his son rejected it; the son made a choice. The father didn't beg or plead with his son when the son wanted to leave. He didn't bargain with him trying to convince him to stay. Instead he gave him his inheritance and let him go. The father didn't forget about his son, however, instead he waited for the day that his child would returned, and when that day came he celebrated with joy and a party. (Luke 15:11-32)

Another example was when the rich man approached Jesus and asked what it took to get into heaven.
 (Matthew 19:16-26) After telling the man to follow the commandments, and the man saying he did follow them, Jesus tells him to sell everything and follow Him. The man becomes sad and chooses to walk away. Jesus then proceeds to say in verse 24, " again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God". The disciples thought that was pretty harsh and Jesus responds in vs 26, "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"

When Christians try to push or drag people into the Kingdom they are trying to be the Holy Spirit to them. The hardest ones to minister to is family, especially our children, but our job as disciples of Christ is not to force someone, bribe someone, or guilt someone into believing, it is being ambassadors for Christ; representing Him. Jesus didn't force anyone to believe in Him. He taught them, spoke truth to them, demonstrated His love for them but He never begged for them to love Him back. Instead, He let them go their own way and let the Holy Spirit do the work on their heart. I believe what Mathew 19:26 meant is that it really isn't man's responsibility to change the heart it is only our responsibility to share the Gospel and to love that individual. It is up to God to work on the heart.

Not everyone is going to make the choice to come to Jesus. I  have friends and family of varying beliefs. Some believe there is a God but don't think they need to go to church, others don't even believe there is a God, and still others believe in Jesus, desire to attend a church but cant get past the judgments and hypocrisy that plagues the church today. I desire for every person who comes into my life to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ but I also know that I can't force them. The best way to get someone to want the Kingdom and to want Jesus is to do what He did. He loved them where they were, not asking them to change before He would love them. He loved them just as they were, because He knew that if they accepted that love, started to learn more about Him, then they would grow to love Him back with sincerity because of how He first loved them.

We have all had the telemarketers call our house. We say no to the offer and they keep persisting. We say "no" several times, till we finally hang up on them, cutting off the contact. How does it make you feel when they don't listen to your answer and push on with their agenda? I don't know about you, but I don't want to be that pushy person, and I definitely don't want to push until they feel like their only option is to hang up.

We cannot transform people into what we think they should be. God created them for their own testimony and  it is not our place to interfere in that. We need to be observant when ministering to others and be respectful if they do not want what we are offering. Whether that be a simple prayer, or the gospel itself, we must respect their decision. It doesn't meant we give up on them, but it does mean we go to our prayer closet and contend for that person there. Plant the seed, water it if you can, and let God do the rest.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Lord Will Do Great Things

I have been a Christian for going on 14 years now and I can honestly say that I am not the same person I was. As I walk through this life though, I have come across many who claim the name of Christ and yet I never see change in their life.

The Bible says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone and the new is here!" - 2 Corinthians 5:17.

Notice it doesn't say, "I am becoming a new creation", instead the "new creation HAS COME: the old is gone the new IS HERE!" It is not a waiting to happen, it has happened. Too many who come to Christ have never been taught that they are a new creation. Salvation isn't just about saying a prayer and going to heaven. That is not why Christ bore the punishment of our sins and died for us so that we can coast through this life and stay in the same muck and garbage He found us in. No, He makes us new; He adopts us as sons and daughters, heirs to the Kingdom.

We are not to conform to the pattern of this world, but we are to "be transformed by the renewing of our minds" (Romans 12:2).  Jesus tells us twice in Luke 13, "unless you repent, you will all perish". the word "repent" in Greek is metanoeo; which means to think differently. When we turn to Christ, our thinking should change.

Look again at 2 Corinthians 5, this time at verses 19-21 "that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." Think about that. God sent His Son so that we could be reconciled (brought back into intimacy and fellowship) with Him. Why? "so that we might become the righteousness of God", representing Him to a lost and dying world.

We are Christ to the world, we represent Him to everyone we meet. Our thoughts and our actions need to be different from the world's thoughts and actions, not to act better than them, but to show them the blessings of joy and peace that God gives to those who follow Him and step out in obedience to Him. 
Instead when the world looks at the church they see gossip, slander, judgement, hypocrisy; everything that Jesus abhorred about the pharisees is in the church today. There might be times when God calls us to do something radical and unusual by worldly standards and He desires a church that is not going to shrink back because of what others might think of us.

Before the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the promised land in Joshua 3, Joshua tells them in verse 5  to "consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great things." The word "consecrate" means to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of God. Are you living your life "set apart" or do you blend in with everyone else around you? God showed me this verse in 2011 and convicted me to start setting myself apart. When I started to let go of the "old" ways God did indeed do great things. Today He is, yet again, reminding me, (not just me, but the Church) to "consecrate ourselves" because He is about  to do even greater things. The church should not look the same as the rest of the world. If I am an ambassador for Christ then my life needs to represent Him, not the things of this world. 

I used to be a "people pleaser". Yes, I hear those of you who know me laughing hysterically right now. I was timid, shy, and wanted to be accepted and others around me to be happy, regardless if I was happy or not. I was always trying to conform to blend in, and I was miserable, stressed,and anxious. I was always striving for perfection and acceptance, then something finally sunk in; the only one who can even accomplish perfection is Jesus. I also learned that it was o.k. to not be accepted and liked. If I was walking in Spirit and Truth I actually should expect persecution. It was as if a huge wait was lifted off my shoulders. I could finally be "me", the only problem was I didn't know who "me" was. Then one day a revelation hit me. I don't have to worry about who I am. I am a child of God, I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works, which He prepared in advance for me to do.(Eph. 2:10); but to do so I have to let go of the world and grab on to the Kingdom. When we as the body of Christ set ourselves apart, then the world will begin to see Christ in us; that is when He will do great things.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Do You Hear the Pounding?

Imagine with me, if you will, an average day in the life of a "Christian".

Its dark and your tucked inside the warm covers with sweet dreams running through your head, when the alarm sounds and you grudgingly pull your arm out and slam it down on the snooze button. As you lay there, waiting for round 2 with the alarm clock, you begin to pray, "Thank you God for this day. Be with me today. Lord guide my steps, keep my family safe and help me to have a good day. In Jesus Name, Amen"

Round 2. You hit the snooze button, this time you begin to run through your to-do list for the day; it's going to be a busy one. By the time your alarm goes off for the third and final time you throw back the covers to begin your day. It starts off with the morning rush of showers, breakfast, dragging the kids out of bed, packing lunchboxes, coordinating schedules and making sure no one forgets anything. Then out the door everyone goes. As you drop Annie and Johnny off at school, you again say a quick prayer, "Lord Help them to have a good day, keep them safe, and let your light shine through them, In Jesus Name, Amen."

Off to work. Your day is filled with the menial tasks of your job and dealing with co-workers. Lunch comes and you run errands or you eat in the break room and listen to the gossip or talk with a coworker, maybe your even given the opportunity to pray with them. Back to work, busy, busy. Finally the day is done, but the work is not over.

Now it is the busiest time of the day. Johnny has a game you have to go to. Annie needs help with her school work, supper needs fixed, laundry needs done. Everyone eats at different times because they are all going in different directions. After supper, you clean up, make sure the kids have their homework done, pick up the house and if your lucky get to spend a few minutes with your spouse whom you have barely talked to all day before crawling back into bed exhausted with the list of undone tasks running through your head.

Am I right? Is that how the average day goes? or at least somewhat? I have often been criticized, because I stay at home, that I do not understand the life of a working mom, and I don't understand what it is like to have to try to carve out time for the relationships in your life. Maybe I don't, but then again, maybe I do and that is why I have chosen the life that I have. Relationships are important to me, the most important relationship is the one that often gets neglected by "Christians". Why am I putting quotes around the word "Christian"? Because, being a Christian is about having a relationship with Christ.

Instead of building that relationship, many Christians have chosen to run after idols. "What? How dare you say that? I don't worship idols. I love God. I'm a Christian." Really? What do you spend your time on? You start your day in prayer and maybe talk to Him through out the day, but do you ever take the time to listen? To get to know Him through His Word? My worse pet peeve is when people say they don't have time for devotions, or when they say things like "well you stay at home you have plenty of time". I can see Jesus up there looking down with eyes weeping, shaking His head.

Time is a precious thing. Here in America, time = money even. Time is probably the thing we want the most of and complain about the most. Yet, we don't give God our time. The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. It took me approximately 8 minutes to read and my daughter who is 12 years old about 20 minutes. I timed it. I challenge you to time it at your own speed. I will even be generous and say it would take you around 15 minutes or less to read it. Do you want to stand in front of Jesus on the day of judgment and say, "I'm sorry I couldn't even give you 15 minutes of my day"? How do you think He would react? I know that is harsh but seriously. Time is precious. and very soon our time on this earth will be done. How can we tell people about a God we don't even know? How can we share the love of Christ when we haven't taken the time to get to know what the love of Christ looks like?

We have made our jobs an idol; our spouses an idol; our kids an idol; our house an idol; our to-do list an idol; our "me time" to relax an idol: our entertainment an idol; money an idol. I could probably go on but I think you get the point. As you take the time to see how long it takes you to read Psalm 119 pay attention to what God is saying.

vs 10-11 I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands. I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.

vs 28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to Your word.

vs 36-37 Turn my heart toward Your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to Your word

vs 40 How I long for your precepts!

vs 48 I reach out for Your commands, which I love, that I may meditate on Your decrees.

I can keep going. David was called a "man after God's own heart". I believe it was because David longed to spend time with his heavenly Daddy. He hungered to know God and to be known by Him. How would the world around us change if we, who call ourselves "Christians", would exhibit half the hunger David did?  I leave with one last verse.

 Revelation 3:19-20 "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me."

 Do you hear the pounding!!
Will you take the time and set aside your idols to eat with your Beloved?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wake Up! Don't Be Deaf To Your Children.

We are at a moment in time when we have to help our daughter through something that no parent wants their child to go through.The death of a friend by suicide. My heart is breaking for my child, yet, at the same time, I know it is nothing compared to what she is going through, and I can't begin to imagine the pain the other family is going through dealing with the loss of their child. Watching my daughter struggle with the grief and the questions of ,"could I have done more to change this?" makes me angry at the enemy who has come to steal, kill, and destroy.

I am writing to parents on this one. Wake Up!!! Don't be deaf to your children. I have a heart for the younger generation. I see a pattern of too many kids not being able to talk with their parents and too many parents so naive in what their kids are going through and what is influencing their kids. I remember what it was like as a teenager (even though that was decades ago for me). We looked at adults as "they don't understand what we are going through" Why did we think that? We thought that way because our parents never shared what they went through. Too many parents today are too ashamed to let their kids know about their past. That is a tool of the enemy to come in and divide the family. I have always been open and honest about my past with my girls. They know I struggled with an eating disorder in junior high, they know I had many boyfriends, they know I was date raped at the age of 16 and how I put myself into the situation for that to happen. They have heard about my drunken nights before I became a Christian and they were even first hand witnesses to the struggles Jason and I had in our marriage. I have always been open and honest with them. Because of that, they know that they have the freedom to come to me without fear of judgment with ANYTHING they are struggling with. They KNOW I will love them unconditionally and not try to change them against their will.

 I also talk with their friends. The rule in my house is you can tell me anything in confidence and unless I think you are in danger and I will not share it with your parents. Some of you may get mad at me about this, but know that I also give godly advice to them. All teenagers need a safe place to ask questions, and unfortunately for some it is not home. I know what that is like too. When my oldest was in junior high she would talk to me about some things but others she wouldn't. As a parent I made sure there were trustworthy people in her life that were mature and that she could go to. For her, it was her youth group leaders, for other kids it could be a parent of a friend or a teacher. It breaks my heart for the kids and for the parents who do not have that close relationship with their kids. It also makes me mad, because I believe every parent can have that, but they have to put themselves aside and too many are not willing to do that; or worse yet they don't even see that "they" are what is in the way of the relationship. They want to blame their kids, their kid's friends, the media, anything else because its easier than looking at themselves.

I didn't know this friend of my daughters and I didn't know what the relationship was like between her and her parents. I am not talking about them. I am also not saying that having an open relationship with your kids will produce happy, well behaved teenagers. Remember there is an enemy out there who wants to destroy them. This is a bold generation; one who is unashamed to speak up for their beliefs and share their faith and this generation has the enemy scared. Why can I say that with such conviction? Just look at the attacks. Things are a lot different from when we were kids and some things are kids go through we can't begin to understand because we didn't have to battle it.
  • Sex: they are surrounded by it, in the movies, in the music, at school. The rates of teens addicted to pornography are higher today and they start at a younger age. Technology has opened up a world at our fingertips, but it is not all good. 
  • Bullying: when we were kids we had to deal with it, but we could also get away from it. We tell our kids to walk away but how can they when it is on their phones, in their inbox, on their twitter and Facebook. They can't get away from it unless they unplug, and no teen wants to do that. 
  • Fear: we didn't have to walk through metal detectors to go to school like some kids today have to. School used to be a safe place but now we have school shootings. What better way to take out a generation that is bold than to instill fear in them. 
  • Violence: again they are surrounded by it in the news, neighborhood, movies, video games, and even music. 
  • Drugs: sure we had access to them growing up but they have never been more readily available than right now and a lot of teens see it as acceptable. After all, the medical community starts pushing the drugs on them at a young age. "oh your acting up in class? Here's a pill for that" or "you cant sit steal in class after sitting on your butt playing video games all night at home? Here's a pill for that". Society has trained them that taking something for the pain, or "to help you get through" is OK. When a teen looks at it they really don't see a difference form the prescription to the illegal. 
    • Here are just a few statistics: (1)
      • A 2007 survey in the US found that 3.3% of 12- to 17-year-olds and 6% of 17- to 25-year-olds had abused prescription drugs in the past month. 
      • By survey, almost 50% of teens believe that prescription drugs are much safer than illegal street drugs—60% to 70% say that home medicine cabinets are their source of drugs. 
      • Depressants, opioids and antidepressants are responsible for more overdose deaths (45%) than cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and amphetamines (39%) combined. 

We, as parents, have to make ourselves available for our children. I understand the need for "some" families to have 2 incomes, but even after work, families are over scheduled with activities. They learn at a young age that we are not available for them, when they come up to show us something and we repeatedly hold up a hand to them and say, "wait a minute". What does that tell them? That whoever, or whatever it is that has our attention is more important than them. After getting the hand for years they just quit coming to us.

Another contributor to the divide is that the family dinner table has become a thing of the past. I cant count the number of times my kitchen has become the gathering place for a bunch of teenagers. We have had great conversations around our table. That is the place we get to know our kids. How would you talk to your friends if you were out to dinner with them? Talk to your kids the same way. We as parents are so afraid to "be friends" with our kids. Should I say it? yes I'm going to say it. It OK to be friends with your kids. Yes, there has to be some balance because we also have to be their parents, but whoever said you cannot be both was an idiot.

A complaint I hear a lot from parents is, "my kids don't respect me". I have a question for you; do you respect them? With teenagers, we have to be good listeners. We have to learn to just shut our mouths and put our opinions aside, and listen. In my house, my girls will give me a warning if it is something controversial, they will say something like, "don't get upset" or "hear me out". I have to respect that. Most of the time when they say that, I brace myself for the worse and when they finish talking it's like, "oh that's all? well that wasn't bad." Let them know you are interested in their lives without judgment or criticism. Trust me they get criticized all day long they don't need it at home. Do you listen to your kids? I mean truly listen to your kids?
Have they criticized you? Were they right with what they said or did you just see it as disrespect? One thing I love about teenagers is they are brutally honest. They tend to call out what they see. We as adults see it as disrespect, instead of swallowing our pride and learning from the younger generation.

They are also hungry for our trust and acceptance. If we have created an atmosphere in our homes of open communication, instilled values in the and trained them in the way they should go, then why do we not trust? If you doubt your parenting, don't take it out on your kids. Or maybe I should say it this way; by not trusting your kids, what you are actually saying is you don't think you raised them well enough to make the right decisions. Before my second and third child were born I had a Sunday school lesson on raising kids. One thing stuck with me all these years about the responsibilities of parents.
  • From birth to ages 5-6, we train them and teach them
  •  From ages 5-6 to around 10-12, we reinforce what we have taught 
  • From 10-12 to adult we pray.
Now don't get me wrong here, I do believe we always have influence in our children's lives even into adulthood, but the level of control changes. That is where most parents stumble. When they begin to lose control over their children's lives. I have a news flash for you. They are not ours to control. God has given us the privilege of teaching, training and guiding them but they do not belong to us. They are His. The teenage years are their training grounds for adulthood. It is the time for them to practice being an adult. How can we as parents assist them? We do that by letting them fly, and fall; by gently guiding not holding onto them.

I am so grateful to have a close relationship with each of my girls. As much as it pains me to see my daughter go through this, as much as it has pained me in the past to watch my oldest go through things like breakups with boyfriend and friends, I know I can't shelter them. I have wanted to at times. What parent wants their child to go through pain? Here's another news flash, life is full of pain. I would rather my girls learn that while under my protection than when they are out in that cold world. Teach them now to "take their stand against the enemy's schemes" while you have their back. Be there for your kids, to love them, accept them for who they are, not for who you want them to be, encourage them, listen to them, and guide them. Don't control them or shelter them.

The Bible says we are to "train up a child in the way they should go and when he/she is old they will not depart from it" - Proverbs 22:6. The key word there is go, not stay to make us feel good. they are not ours to hold onto and God has a plan for each and every one of them. Do we love them and Him enough to let go and let them have their own testimony? Do we love them enough to be there for them without judgment? Or are we too selfish and self-centered to let go because we need them more than they need us? If you are a parent who tends to hold on, then learn to let go. If you are a parent who doesn't have a good relationship with your teen, start by learning to listen and let go of any judgment. There is hope. I fully believe we can defeat the enemy who has come to divide the family when we stand together, but to do that we must put ourselves aside.

(1) (