Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Coming to God

The thing that I have learned over the last 9-10 years is that God NEVER leaves our side. I need to back track in our story a little before I continue, to share with you my history with God. Of course we all, even if we don’t believe it, have a history with God after all- He created us. But my personal journey began when I was little and my Grandma Spoon would read the Bible to me and my parents would make me go to church every Sunday even though they didn't. I grew up learning all the Bible stories and learning about Jesus but no one ever really told me I could truly KNOW Him.  As a teenager I was very observant and when I saw the hypocrisy in the church it made me not want to be a part of this "religion" and I turned my back on God. I still believed in him but started searching for something better. Something true, because what I saw in the church was not truth.
When I met Jason I was probably the farthest away from God I had been in my life and when we were married I didn't want any mention of God in my wedding. But as I said God never leaves our side and HE never stops pursuing you. We were very fortunate to find a little minister who was the preacher at my aunt’s church (who by the way prayed me through my teen years and would drag me to church in the summer). She insisted on praying at our wedding and telling a story or she wouldn't do the ceremony. We reluctantly agreed. Now Jason hadn’t really even gone to church and knew very little about God. His Grandma took him a few times as a kid but he never really learned any of the stories like I had.
So now flash forward to Texas and Fairway Baptist Church in Wichita Falls 1999. As I stated in previous post we started attending church to see some dear friends of ours. At this time Trinity was 5 and Olivia was 3. We started attending very casually but every time we were there we would get in the car afterwards and say to each other, "Does he (the preacher) know us?" It was as if someone had called him that week and said, “the Noble's are coming to church Sunday and this is what is going on in their life so you need to preach something directly to them." It's amazing how God uses His followers to draw the lost. It wasn't long and we were going every Sunday. I felt as if I was beginning to find what I had been searching for after so many years. 
In Early 2000 both Jason and I accepted Christ into our hearts and were baptized. Shortly After that Trinity also accepted Christ and was baptized and when Olivia was 5 she too followed us in accepting Christ and being baptized. I was then blessed even further with a wonderful mentor who took me under her wing and taught me what a true relationship with Jesus was about. The next couple of years I spent learning everything I could and seeking God and what His word said and what he had planned for my life. Little did I know then, the plans He had for me and for my family.  

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