Sunday, October 17, 2010

God is in Control

Three weeks ago last Wednesday we received word that Jason would be deploying to Afghanistan. You would think that with almost 20 years in the Air Force I would be used to it, but the longest Jason has ever been gone was around 65 days. The thought of him not only leaving for a year but going to Afghanistan was unbearable.   I began this blog to share our story of healing and restoration and what God was going to do during our time apart. It has been an emotional roller coaster trying to prepare for him to leave before Christmas but God is so much bigger than any situation we may find ourselves in. Last Sunday during church the sermon was on giving God control and Jason and I went to the altar and let Him have it all. Tuesday night I had a vision of me and a friend in a field and Jason was in the background.  A hawk landed in front of us, and then a big eagle came and landed beside the hawk. I don't know if my friend spoke it or what but I heard these words,"you are expecting freedom of this hawk, but I have for you freedom of an eagle."  The next day we found out his training classes were cancelled and on Wednesday we found out that his orders to Afghanistan were officially cancelled. I am still going to continue to write our story, but I will be posting more frequently for a little while so I can bring everyone up to date on where our marriage is currently, then you can hang on with me as God takes us for the ride of a lifetime. With all He has done so far He has to have some mighty plans for us.

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