Saturday, October 9, 2010

Texas-the beginning

We Arrive in Texas with a two year old, almost 5 year old, my mom (who had moved in with us in Omaha to help me with the girls), and our dog. Moving hundreds of miles away is never an easy task, especially with kids. The stress in our marriage was at its peak. We stayed in a very small temporary living facility (TLF) for about 2 weeks while we were house hunting. Eventualy I couldn't take that anymore and we moved into an apartment.  We were still house hunting, but when all of our things were delivered by the movers our savings quickly disapeared to replace the damaged goods and to help my mom financially while she looked for a job. At the time it was very stress full and I remember packing our suitcases 3 times and wanting to leave. Looking back I see it was divine intervention.
During our time in the apartment, we met Roger and Sherry who quickly became like extended family to us and even though we had wonderful neighbors an apartment is no place for a family with two young kids, a dog, and a grandma. After nine months in the apartment we finally got a house on  base. After a few weeks of living on base we decided the best way to see Roger and Sherry was to go to church with them. Now over the years we were the typical "non-Christian attend church only on Easter", so it wasn't like we were total heathens but neither I nor Jason knew what God had in store for us.

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